Sunday, December 23, 2007

Writing in Immediate Scene

Via Bertram's Blog:
It wasn’t bad, merely boring; it read like a synopsis rather than a fleshed out novel.

Like a synopsis, eh? In other words, no immediate scene.

I have finally given way to the belief that many would-be novelists just don't know what immediate scene is! They're faking it when they pretend they know what you're talking about.

Nonetheless, you'd think they'd notice the glaring difference between the way they relate information and the way a real novelist does. How can they fail to have some of that technique rub off on them?

You suggest that they write in immediate scene and they reply, "Uh, yeah, I know I should do that more," but then they go back and rewrite with not one more bit of immediate scene.

If you're serious about this business, you'll bother to make sure you understand the principles. Writing isn't any magical power some people are born with. It isn't inherent in you. You have to learn it.

Bertram also comments on writing that's mere expressionism, not entertainment for readers. That's fine. Journaling is fine. It's therapeutic. But let's not confuse it with art.
